10 research outputs found

    The View from the Cliff: Government-Funded Nonprofits Are Looking Out on Steep Cuts and an Uncertain Future

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    Federal, state, and local government underwrites the bulk of the cost to support vulnerable people in our society. But most of the actual services are delivered by nonprofits operating under government contracts or grants. With the stimulus money gone, large federal spending cuts looming, several years of recession, and an ever-growing pension and healthcare burden, how are these nonprofits faring? What do they believe the future holds for publicly funded services and for them

    Portland Public Schools: From Data and Decisions to Implementation and Results on Dropout Prevention

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    Many school district leaders, particularly those in urban areas, struggle to reduce dropout rates, but find themselves overwhelmed by the dimensions of the problem. There are, however, a few districts making notable progress towards reducing the number of dropouts and ensuring that students earn high school diplomas in a timely manner.One of these is the Portland, Oregon, Public Schools (PPS). In the course of a single calendar year (2007-2008) PPS began to have a positive impact in addressing its dropout problem. How? The key was gathering data that illuminated the true scope of the problem, identifying predictive indicators to spot high risk students, and then marshalling teachers, administrators and support services to focus on those individual students entering 9th grade who were at the highest risk of dropping out of high school

    Atributos ambientales para la evaluaci贸n de la vulnerabilidad frente a variabilidad y cambio clim谩tico en Interfases rur-urbanas : Caso de Estudio: Corregimiento de Cerritos, Pereira

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    Con el prop贸sito de generar una aproximaci贸n metodol贸gica en la gesti贸n ambiental local para la evaluaci贸n de la vulnerabilidad ante variabilidad y cambio clim谩tico en interfases rur-urbanas, se emprendi贸 el proceso investigativo que retoma elementos de la planeaci贸n prospectiva para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos. Se inicia con el desarrollo de un marco conceptual y anal铆tico de los conceptos relacionados con la gesti贸n del riesgo en el marco de la variabilidad y el cambio clim谩tico para la comprensi贸n de los diferentes elementos te贸ricos en relaci贸n a la evaluaci贸n de la vulnerabilidad en interfases rur-urbanas. Como resultado de esto, se propone una aproximaci贸n metodol贸gica para abordar la vulnerabilidad frente a variabilidad y cambio clim谩tico en interfases rur-urbanas, mediante el an谩lisis de la vulnerabilidad de manera global en sus diferentes dimensiones: natural, t茅cnica, socioecon贸mica, institucional, y coyuntural; la cual es validada con la aplicaci贸n de la misma en el Corregimiento de Cerritos. De manera general, los resultados de la aplicaci贸n de la propuesta metodol贸gica en el corregimiento de Cerritos, muestran una alta vulnerabilidad para los factores socioecon贸micos de la vulnerabilidad, mientras que para los dem谩s factores los resultados var铆an en funci贸n del tipo de amenaza. A partir del an谩lisis de las condiciones de vulnerabilidad generadas por los diferentes factores y variables, se identifican aspectos d茅biles puntuales sobre los que se debe intervenir y generar capacidades en la comunidad, de enfrentar y adaptarse a los impactos generados por los eventos de amenaza relacionados con variabilidad y cambio clim谩tico. Por 煤ltimo y respondiendo a los impactos significativos, se hace el planteamiento de lineamientos de gesti贸n ambiental para la reducci贸n de la vulnerabilidad frente a variabilidad y cambio clim谩tico, en donde se definen las estrategias como una serie de planes, programas y/o proyectos para alcanzar lo propuesto

    Control y supervisi贸n de un proceso hidr谩ulico con una plataforma Scada

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    Una de las principales metas que se proponen las industrias es mejorar la calidad de sus procesos, y as铆 mejorar los niveles de competencia, generando procesos m谩s eficientes. La teor铆a de control permite obtener mejores par谩metros de funcionamiento como lo son, por ejemplo un control de nivel y caudal exactos en los procesos de control de l铆quidos industriales. Esto se logra gracias a la aplicaci贸n de la teor铆a de control utilizando: Aut贸matas programables, Plataformas de programaci贸n con hardware Arduino, Sensores adecuados a las necesidades del sistema, Reguladores proporcionales de nivel, Software para la supervisi贸n de procesos, como Wincc ofrecido por SIEMENS. Este proyecto consiste en conservar constante el nivel de l铆quido presente en un tanque, sin importar la cantidad de l铆quido evacuada de dicho tanque. El control sobre el proceso con la finalidad expuesta con anterioridad es logrado mediante la implementaci贸n de un controlador PID. Se aplica un interfaz hombre m谩quina (HMI) con el objeto de supervisar el proceso a trav茅s de r茅plicas gr谩ficas del mismo

    Funding Performance: How Great Donors Invest in Grantee Success

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    The Funding Performance campaign encourages funders to rise to the urgency of this moment. You'll find no pie-in-the-sky theory in the resources on this page. Instead, you'll find practical advice about the specific practices that produce outsized progress on urgent issues of our time.The centerpiece of this campaign is Funding Performance: How Great Donors Invest in Grantee Success (2021), a Jim Collins鈥搒tyle monograph intended to generate positive peer pressure among foundations and individual donors.The monograph features insightful essays by eight highly respected thinkers and doers: Hilary Pennington, Ford Foundation; Daniel Stid, Hewlett Foundation; Sam Cobbs, Tipping Point Community; Jeff Bradach and Jeri Eckhart Queenan, Bridgespan; Lowell Weiss, Leap Ambassadors support team; Hilda Polanco and Deborah Linnell, FMA. All of these essayists have vantage points that have given them a close-up look at the best and worst practices in our sector. In Funding Performance, they share both鈥攊n the hope of turning this moment of crisis into a moment of truth and then a moment of productive pivot

    The President as Statesman: Woodrow Wilson and the Constitution

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    Daniel D. Stid is the Program Director of U.S. Democracy at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. He began his career as a political scientist teaching at Wabash College and subsequently served as a Congressional Fellow on the staff of the House Majority Leader and a consultant for various non-profit and private-public sector groups. With a New Foreword by Trygve Throntveit. Trygve Throntveit is Director of Strategic Partnership, Minnesota Humanities Center, and Global Fellow for History and Public Policy, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He is the author of Power without Victory: Woodrow Wilson and the American Internationalist Experiment and William James and the Quest for an Ethical Republic.This Kansas Open Books title is funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Humanities Open Book Program.A political scientist who went on to become president, Woodrow Wilson envisioned a "responsible government" in which a strong leader and principled party would integrate the separate executive and legislative powers. His ideal, however, was constantly challenged by political reality. Daniel Stid explores the evolution of Wilson's views on this form of government and his endeavors as a statesman to establish it in the United States. The author looks over Professor and then President Wilson's shoulder as he grappled with the constitutional separation of powers, demonstrating the importance of this effort for American political thought and history. Although Wilson is generally viewed as an unstinting and effective opponent of the separation of powers, the author reveals an ambivalent statesman who accommodated the Founders' logic. This book challenges both the traditional and revisionist views of Woodrow Wilson by documenting the moderation of his statesmanship and the resilience of the separation of powers. In doing so, it sheds new light on American political development from Wilson's day to our own. Throughout the twentieth century, political scientists and public officials have called for constitutional changes and political reforms that were originally proposed by Wilson. By reexamining the dilemmas presented by Wilson's program, Stid invites a reconsideration of both the expectations we place on the presidency and the possibilities of leadership in the Founders' system. The President as Statesman contributes significantly to ongoing debates over Wilson's legacy and raises important questions about the nature of presidential leadership at a time when this issue is at the forefront of public consciousness

    The President as Statesman: Woodrow Wilson and the Constitution

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    A political scientist who went on to become president, Woodrow Wilson envisioned a responsible government in which a strong leader and principled party would integrate the separate executive and legislative powers. His ideal, however, was constantly challenged by political reality. Daniel Stid explores the evolution of Wilson\u27s views on this form of government and his endeavors as a statesman to establish it in the United States. The author looks over Professor and then President Wilson\u27s shoulder as he grappled with the constitutional separation of powers, demonstrating the importance of this effort for American political thought and history. Although Wilson is generally viewed as an unstinting and effective opponent of the separation of powers, the author reveals an ambivalent statesman who accommodated the Founders\u27 logic. This book challenges both the traditional and revisionist views of Woodrow Wilson by documenting the moderation of his statesmanship and the resilience of the separation of powers. In doing so, it sheds new light on American political development from Wilson\u27s day to our own. Throughout the twentieth century, political scientists and public officials have called for constitutional changes and political reforms that were originally proposed by Wilson. By reexamining the dilemmas presented by Wilson\u27s program, Stid invites a reconsideration of both the expectations we place on the presidency and the possibilities of leadership in the Founders\u27 system. The President as Statesman contributes significantly to ongoing debates over Wilson\u27s legacy and raises important questions about the nature of presidential leadership at a time when this issue is at the forefront of public consciousness. Description Daniel D. Stid is the Program Director of U.S. Democracy at the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. He began his career as a political scientist teaching at Wabash College and subsequently served as a Congressional Fellow on the staff of the House Majority Leader and a consultant for various non-profit and private-public sector groups. With a New Foreword by Trygve Throntveit. Trygve Throntveit is Director of Strategic Partnership, Minnesota Humanities Center, and Global Fellow for History and Public Policy, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. He is the author of Power without Victory: Woodrow Wilson and the American Internationalist Experiment and William James and the Quest for an Ethical Republic. This Kansas Open Books title is funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Humanities Open Book Program.https://digitalcommons.pittstate.edu/kansas_open_books/1057/thumbnail.jp

    The President as Statesman

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    A political scientist who went on to become president, Woodrow Wilson envisioned a "responsible government" in which a strong leader and principled party would integrate the separate executive and legislative powers. His ideal, however, was constantly challenged by political reality. Daniel Stid explores the evolution of Wilson's views on this form of government and his endeavors as a statesman to establish it in the United States. The author looks over Professor and then President Wilson's shoulder as he grappled with the constitutional separation of powers, demonstrating the importance of this effort for American political thought and history.Although Wilson is generally viewed as an unstinting and effective opponent of the separation of powers, the author reveals an ambivalent statesman who accommodated the Founders' logic. This book challenges both the traditional and revisionist views of Woodrow Wilson by documenting the moderation of his statesmanship and the resilience of the separation of powers. In doing so, it sheds new light on American political development from Wilson's day to our own.Throughout the twentieth century, political scientists and public officials have called for constitutional changes and political reforms that were originally proposed by Wilson. By reexamining the dilemmas presented by Wilson's program, Stid invites a reconsideration of both the expectations we place on the presidency and the possibilities of leadership in the Founders' system. The President as Statesman contributes significantly to ongoing debates over Wilson's legacy and raises important questions about the nature of presidential leadership at a time when this issue is at the forefront of public consciousness